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Part Numbers

Please use this system to look up OEM smart part numbers. Each code was correct at the time of adding. However, we cannot be responsible for any parts that have become obselete or removed by smart. Should you spot any mistakes, please let us know via the contact us system.

If you are looking for a particular part number, please contact us with your VIN and as much detail as you can. We will look up the part number and get back to you. :)

  Name Description Part Number:
Cam shaft

Standard camshaft

SQ001 2437 V001 0000 00
Cam shaft seal

Sprocket bolt access seal

SQ000 3090 V001 0000 00
Cam sprocket

This sprocket fits onto the end of the camshaft.

A160 052 01 01
Carpet name plate

For fitting into the base carpet by the doors.

Q001 2921 V002 0000 00
Carpet peg

For holding the carpet next to the engine cover.

A000 991 27 95
CD drawers

Accessory for lower centre console.

Q001 3112 V005 C96A 00
Centre tunnel (electric wings)

Centre tunnel with opening for electric wing mirror switch.

Q001 4467 V001 C96A 00
Clip slot ties

Wiring loom attachment ties

Q000 8292 V000 0000 00
Clutch 599cc

Clutch for the 599cc models.

Q000 3231 V015 0000 00
Clutch 698cc Brabus Roadster

Clutch for the 698cc Brabus Roadster.

Q001 8168 V001 0000 00
Clutch 698cc fortwo and Roadster

Clutch for the 698cc models.

Q000 9855 V001 0000 00
Clutch actuator securing bolt

Clutch actuator securing bolt.

A000 990 26 03
Coil pack bolt (short)

Coil pack bolt

Q000 7202 V0000 0000 00
Combination filter (aircon)

Combination or Pollen filter.

C000 1110 V003 0000 00
Crankcase breather pipe

Breather pipe for venting the crankase into the intake manifold.

A160 018 06 12
Crankshaft timing chain sprocket

Lower timing chain sprocket.

A160 052 01 03
Crash bar bolts

Rear crash bar bolts

MN 00 00 00 00 3120
Crash bar panel mount

Rear panel mount.

Q000 7727 V003 0000 00
Cruise control stalk (coupe)

Coupe cruise control stalk.

Q001 2539 V004 C96A 00
Cruise control stalk (non-coupe)

Cruise control stalk (no rear wiper)

Q001 2540 V004 C96A 00
CV Joint Boot (inner) fitting kit

Rubber boot for driveshaft (closest to gearbox).

Q001 9804 V001 0000 00
Cycle valve

Also known as the boost control solenoid.

Q000 3113 V005 0000 00
Cycle valve bolt

For mounting the cycle valve to the intake air duct.

MN910142 006000
Cylinder head bolts

Stretch bolts for connecting the cylinder head to the crankcase.

A002 990 37 22